Nigeria Needs More Dangotes, AbdusSamadus, Mangals, Adenugas, Elumelus, Authurs and their likes.


By Abdu Labaran Malumfashi.

Majority of Nigerians had never had it so bad. The situation is so bad and so hard that the feeling of abandonment by the leadership of the country is so overwhelming almost everywhere. These are very hard, harsh, unfriendly and trying times for those of very little or no means at all, when a number of them go to bed with the proverbial ‘empty stomach’. 

This is a country that is so rich in mineral resources that it was felt that Nigeria would develop into an industrial powerhouse in a matter of few years after it gained independence from Britain in 1960. But 64 years after independence, only the political leaders smile to the bank all the time from the Commonwealth, at the expense of many of people in the country. The dream of greatness was killed by corruption over the years, with yesterday better than today in Nigeria.

At the beginning of this administration, subsidy on petroleum was first removed, which resulted in the exponential increment in prices of everything. This was later followed by the removal of subsidy on electricity, seeing the various tariffs jacked up. All of these led to the rising cost of living in the country. Prices of food items, other things and services went over the roof.

But for the regular assistance rendered by the mentioned compatriots and many of their like in the society, not a few would have opted for another word. Some have indeed ended their lives by themselves, blaming the hard time for their thoughtless and irrational decision.

Being their true brothers and sisters keepers in various ways, the philanthropic activities of these Nigerians have helped in no small way in making the country bearable for a lot of less endowed people. They assist in FEEDING, EDUCATION, HEALTH, SOCIALLY, among other areas.

In the area of feeding, which the government at the state level does periodically, the business gurus feed some of the needy every day in their home states and many other parts of the country. 

It is commonly known that Alhaji Aliko Dangote, Alhaji AbdusSamadu Rabi’u of BUA and Alhaji Dahiru Bara’u Mangal feed hundreds of poor people everyday in many locations across the country. Some other very rich individuals also feed the poor in the country.

In the area of education, Aliko Dangote and AbdusSamadu Rabi’u have established universities in Kano State and are in the process of establishing same in other locations in the country. There are many others of great means who have equally established universities in their states. There are many more business moguls such as Dahiru Mangal from Katsina and Alhaji Aminu Dantata who regularly dole out billions of naira to universities and other tertiary institutions in the country.

To be sure, the Nigerian society does not have to wait for governments to establish schools from primary to university level, the wealthy among them could do so individually or collectively, like has been, or is being, done in other countries.

For instance, all the elite universities and other tertiary institutions in the Western World were founded directly by individuals or through the Foundations established by them. Such universities in the US include Harvard, which was founded in look settlers , Stamford in 1885 by Leland and Jane Stamford, California Institute of Technology (Caltech) originally known as Throop University, in 1891 by Amos G. Throop and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in 1861 by William Barton Rogers.

The universities of Oxford in 1209 and Cambridge sometimes in the eleventh century were founded by individuals, while the London School of Economics (LSE) in 1895 was founded by Beatrice and Sidney Webb. The three institutions are all in the UK.

In the health sector, these individuals and the Foundations they established have been of tremendous assistance during the coronavirus pandemic. They made contributions to the federal government and the states in kind and cash. The kind contributions include the construction of special wards for victims, donations of equipment such as ambulances. At normal times, they have constructed wards, amenity and maternity wards in hospitals.

Even in the area of housing, some Foundations have built estates for houses at affordable rent, within the affordability of most of their staff and other Nigerians.

Socially, many of the monied business people are teaching and training the youths in business, skill acquisition and other areas to be self sufficient in sustaining themselves and their family (where there are any).

Today, some of us woke up to the very bad news of yet another official fuel increase, which took the price of a litre to above N1000,00 in some part. And very soon, 1st November to be exact, the cost of registration of driving licence and vehicle particulars will a hit the roof too, to most likely reach beyond the affordability of the ordinary civil servant at all three tiers of government in the country.

Many other suffocating policies, such as the expected tax hikes, as ill advised to the Nigerian National Executive Council (FEC) by the none Nigerian founder of Microsoft, billionaire Bill Gates. His concern it would appear, is the preservation of his race at the EXPENSE of the people of the extraction of this continent. The Western World in general does not mean well for Africa, and its development is the last thing that they or their agents would encourage.

Although doing their best, this group of wealthy Nigerians need to do even more, as the situation is getting doubly dire for many people in the country, including yours sincerely. As a Muslim (I cannot speak about, and for, other religions), I know that FEEDING the needy is very important. So important it is in Islam, that it comes next after the five pillars of the religion. More important, in fact, even than going to the religious war (Jihad).
Therefore, feed more of your needy compatriots.

May God make it easy for all of us, and turn the table against those who do not want the survival or development of Nigerians and the African people.

Malam Malumfashi wrote from Katsina.

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